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  ♥ Resist

  ♥ Believe

  ♥ Love

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Can't smile without you! I'm no Superman!

It can't be done without you...!

DOA Avenger
  The DOA Avenger
of the Zombie Apocalypse

  You aren't alone in having a problem with this "new" world, the "new" state of things -- aka "New World Order" --, "Genocide of the Fourth Reich", or the "Zombie Apocalypse". I'll try to tell what you can do about, what you need to know, and how you can help.

Have these tools in your arsenal: Fill your life with love, hope, inspiration, and a reduction of bad influence. Have faith that doing so is a better reward than you'll ever get than "falling in line" will ever pay out. And, it is! Get perspective; human, perspective! Exercise free will, love, care about, and refuse to harass your fellow humans! Know that their harassment of you is unfair, unjust, wrong, and they are paying for it inside! "Practice freedom, support heroes." "Live free or die!"?! "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."! "Resist, Believe, Love." It took literally hundreds of years putting "New World Order" together, keep hope alive and we can put things right in far less time! I (We) can't smile without you!

This site is about heroes, real and inspirational; existing, new, and to be. Remember: "No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." --Will Turner, Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest. Inspiration is everywhere! Find it, collect it, hold it, share it. In the spirit of Diogenes' "I'm just looking for an honest man.", I'm just searching for heroes. Having probably less luck! I know for sure you are / they are out there, but... Unlike Diogenes, tho, I'm not just for show-- I make heroes!

  You'll find many references to my favorites on my websites: most work of Joss Whedon, not just _Dr. Horrible_ and _The Avengers_; _Dune_, Frank Herbert; the _Harry Potter_ series, J.K. Rowling; Guillermo Del Toro's _Hellboy_; _Starship Troopers_, the movie; _True Blood_, the series, from the books by Charlaine Harris; _ Logan's Run_, Farenheit 451, David Twohy's _Chronicals of Riddick_, Chris Carter's _X-Files_, _Lord of the Rings_ / _Hobbit_, and and and! Movies and books that have inspired me and can do the same for you. I'm recently thinking of _Spider-man_, directed by Sam Raimi. :-)


  This has been my life since: Apr 25, 2009  (Date "shafted" --
a Joss Whedon "Firefly" reference. I prefer to call it: shelved, like a book or a trophy would be.)

  I died, Jun 9, 2009 (The first time. You do the math...). Was murdered! By our current environment. For me, with Addison's Disease, harassment is attempted murder, literally! And was. :-( If not for my extraordinary nutritional knowledge, I'd be dead, instead of writing this.

  I died the second time: Oct 30, 2014, while in L.A. looking for Joss Whedon. Nearly bled out from my normal over-effusive period after obtaining *zero* diagnosis and treatment from doctors consulted. That's when I became: The DOA Avenger fighting to Save The World / Restore humanity. And I'll continue fighting, until my "True Death". Heroes wanted! Help me, make this a more human world with the rights and responsibilities given us by the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and the *initial* agreements of the Geneva Convention. Do this, whether you are a non-citizen import, an American citizen (Any of those left?!), or living in another country.

  The third time: Jul 2016, at SDCC looking for Joss Whedon and Sam Raimi. I have Pellagra, as well as several other potentially fatal illness and the heat exhaustion took me out of the picketing game indefinitely. :-( Please notice this doesn't stop them from following my activities with unconstitutional freedom of speech restriction!

The fourth time was my first ever court summons where the county court refused to acknowledge learning disability verification and belligerently insisted on physician verification of inability to serve. Uh, what was the verification?!?

Know this-- I can help and save your life, as I have several others.

  Whimsically (and if you haven't visited the whimsical yet, start now!! Fight allegory with allegory, metaphor with metaphor, sophistry with sanity!), I'm Jessica from "Dune."-- Concubine to Duke Leto, Bene Gesserit "witch". Only until Sep 2, 2016, it's felt more like I've been con-sort to Baron Harkonnen, her relative. :-o. And where I went, he followed. I'm Harry from "Harry Potter", only... I'm Black Widow from "The Avengers." I'm only as crazy as is sane for the times.

I'm just an ordinary woman that struggles every day to make it to the next day, while someone else struggles for the opposite, and has since Jun 9, 2009.

Surprised every day to still be here! Don't know for how much longer.


*** This site is a work in progress (remember: dying!). I've been trying to reach out and get recognition for my cause in different focuses since 2012. Please visit my previous website in the mean time:



Preparedness 411

Shafted, Before and After Pics
Unforgiveable Curses
Counter Curses
The Family
My Signs
Personality Types (MBTI)
Personality Type Test (MBTI)
Calling heroes

I'm looking for these people to speak to about the "Zombie Apocalypse". They are near and dear to me and have all been involved in bringing you heroes:

Joss Whedon, Sam Raimi, Guillermo Del Toro, David Twohy, Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin, Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, and Tom Welling.

See Personal Messages

Keep up the good works, guys! More, please!
Having fun?!

What were you thinking of doing about it?

Hero Consulting Available:

Having done, and continuing to do, such a bang up job at con-sorting and Zombietron / Stick-Insect translation, I am available to help at consulting now too.

I specialize in: the letters A - Z, the digits 0-9, and all colors. And much more.

Text: 650-215-3351
DOA to the rescue!



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