My Signs


Trying to figure out what to do about all of this, my first thought was: How do I reach others to see if I can help? Not by the internet, nor cell phones! It has to be in person. So all I could do is make signs, flyers, talk with people, and picket. And I'm still doing that to this day, very-limited energy permitting.

Pictured, at right, is my first attempt at picketing. I'm here on San Vincente Blvd, Santa Monica, CA, trying to reach Joss Whedon, my very favorite media creator and someone I also see trying to help in this world.

1st attempts at picketing
A few of the signs, I've made over time to find and reach heroes.
Picketing Kaiser Superbowl 2016 Picket Sign Picketing at SDCC 2016
The building of the new Apple donut in Sunnyvale took way too long for an ordinary building. Why?! Like 2 years long, while other buildings go up in 2 months. Vast amounts of rocks and earth were brought in / moved, even closing a street to pile it all up, which is maybe closed to this day. All of it was done behind never-before seen huge screens of privacy. Not to mention that the Kaiser building was moved like two blocks over for whatever reason not a year or so previous. You ever wonder what tunnels might be below all city's structures? Hearing that Superbowl 2016 was to be held at Levi Stadium in Santa Clara?, I rushed to make a sign and went over to picket. I saw armored personelle, Humvee tanks, police squads, but saw no evidence a game would be played and no real attendees. I still don't know where the game was really held! It took me years to make SDCC, due to several deaths / murder attempts, including my own. I did not, and maybe still don't, expect to live to do any more picketing. I put my life on the line to do this, more than ever-- which is always!
the DOA Avenger July 4, 2017 Weekend SDCC 2017
As the DOA Avenger of the Zombie Apocalypse with my new *Resist *Believe *Love saying and "Super-ed" shirt. Picketing on July 4, 2017 weekend. I'm in training for picketing at SDCC 2017. You know, trying to live thru it! There was no SDCC, this year, unofficially. Not much. Mostly just "attendees", aka zombies, and *hoards* of them.
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